SNPAThe SNPA is the Parents' Association at Scoil Niocláis. Our tasks include raising funds for the school and heightening the sense of community spirit and involvement at Scoil Niocláis. Other issues, pertinent to the school, are often on the agenda too.
The general parent body is represented during each school year by a committee of ten, who are elected at the AGM in late September. |
Aims of the SNPA:
(a) To promote general interest in the welfare of Scoil Niocláis.
(b) To run functions of educational and social value for parents/guardians and pupils of the school.
(c) To run functions which will generate finances to improve the facilities in the school.
(d) To organise and run extra-curricular activities.
What does the SNPA do?
-Fundraising activities organised and run by this committee, with the help of many other enthusiastic parents include:
-Class Calendars
-Coffee Mornings
-Communion Blazers & Reception
-6th Class Graduation Party
-Book Fair
-Annual School Walk
(a) To promote general interest in the welfare of Scoil Niocláis.
(b) To run functions of educational and social value for parents/guardians and pupils of the school.
(c) To run functions which will generate finances to improve the facilities in the school.
(d) To organise and run extra-curricular activities.
What does the SNPA do?
-Fundraising activities organised and run by this committee, with the help of many other enthusiastic parents include:
-Class Calendars
-Coffee Mornings
-Communion Blazers & Reception
-6th Class Graduation Party
-Book Fair
-Annual School Walk
How do I get on the committee?
Give your name to one of the existing committee members before the AGM meeting.
Candidates must be the parent or legal guardian of a child attending Scoil Nioclaáis and only one parent/guardian of each child may contest the election.
Committee members should commit for a term of at least one year and cannot serve for more than three continuous years. As a general guideline, meetings are held on week day evenings in the school, every 3-4 weeks and last approximately 90 minutes.
It is of great importance to us all, that the SNPA continues to be enthusiastic and efficient for many years to come.
A committee that is representative of all parents and which is regularly infused with new blood and new ideas is likely to be the most successful in accomplishing our goals.
Sub-committee Level
Sub-committees operate very successfully on a number of SNPA activities. If you cannot commit to being a Committee member but wish to get involved from time to time this is the route for you. Names for the Sub-Committee will be taken at the AGM. We are very grateful to all those who helped out in this capacity last year - many hands made light work, and your contribution was extremely valuable and much appreciated!
If it’s difficult for you to commit to attending regular meetings or to be involved in the organisation of events, that’s not a problem! You are still the person we need the most!
You are the person who can make all our work worthwhile -you are the grassroots of our association. There's no point to running a draw if no one will buy a ticket, or organising a coffee morning for no-one to attend.
We ask that you attend or support as many events as your schedule allows. Buy a cake at our cake sales and enjoy Sunday dessert in the knowledge that you are contributing to your child's education, or buy a book at the Annual Book Fair, whilst simultaneously helping to enlarge our classroom Libraries.
Whether you want to be part of the committee, sub-committee or general involvement, come to the AGM…. Find out a little more about what we do.
Give your name to one of the existing committee members before the AGM meeting.
Candidates must be the parent or legal guardian of a child attending Scoil Nioclaáis and only one parent/guardian of each child may contest the election.
Committee members should commit for a term of at least one year and cannot serve for more than three continuous years. As a general guideline, meetings are held on week day evenings in the school, every 3-4 weeks and last approximately 90 minutes.
It is of great importance to us all, that the SNPA continues to be enthusiastic and efficient for many years to come.
A committee that is representative of all parents and which is regularly infused with new blood and new ideas is likely to be the most successful in accomplishing our goals.
Sub-committee Level
Sub-committees operate very successfully on a number of SNPA activities. If you cannot commit to being a Committee member but wish to get involved from time to time this is the route for you. Names for the Sub-Committee will be taken at the AGM. We are very grateful to all those who helped out in this capacity last year - many hands made light work, and your contribution was extremely valuable and much appreciated!
If it’s difficult for you to commit to attending regular meetings or to be involved in the organisation of events, that’s not a problem! You are still the person we need the most!
You are the person who can make all our work worthwhile -you are the grassroots of our association. There's no point to running a draw if no one will buy a ticket, or organising a coffee morning for no-one to attend.
We ask that you attend or support as many events as your schedule allows. Buy a cake at our cake sales and enjoy Sunday dessert in the knowledge that you are contributing to your child's education, or buy a book at the Annual Book Fair, whilst simultaneously helping to enlarge our classroom Libraries.
Whether you want to be part of the committee, sub-committee or general involvement, come to the AGM…. Find out a little more about what we do.